Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cherish every day

We should all cherish every day as every day is a gift. Please pray for the people in Aurora, Colorado at the movie theater where evil came to visit but also heroes emerged. 

12 special angels went to heaven that day.  Wonderful people of all ages, sizes, were leading fruitful lives and on July 20,2012, were called home.  I believe in angels who watch over us.  There are angels in heaven who guide us and protect us. 

That day, people put their lives to the side to protect others and I think that is the definition of a hero.  They did not go into that movie theater thinking they were heroes but emerged as heroes.  There is no greater love that one human being to give then to give his life for a friend. 

Please hug your children, your families every day and tell them how special they are in your life.  They need to hear it.  I take one day at a time and consider every day a gift. 
Summer in Texas

Well, it is almost the end of July and most of the country is having hot weather.  Well, in Texas, that is all the time.  Here it is hot and not hot! 

It has been raining a lot here and you know what that means, texas sized mosquitos!  Yes and they are big. 

Well, I hope everyone is having a safe and cool or somewhat cool summer.  Enjoy every day.  See everyone soon.