Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Warmer weather today giving a false sense of security

Well, here it is Wednesday, December 14, 2011 and the weather here in Texas has warmed up giving us a false sense of security.  We are still preparing for Christmas.  Christmas here in Texas is a state of mind.  I remember as a kid wearing shorts on Christmas Day and thinking this is cool and are there other kids in their shorts playing with their Christmas presents.  Christmas is what you make it.  Well in Texas u always keep your shorts close by and the A/C ready to turn on at any moment and then get zapped back into colder weather, sweat pants.  What a journey!

Hope everyone is having a blessed Christmas season.  I think that I am caught up on sending out Christmas cards.  At Christmas time, there is always something to do but always make sure you make time for yourself, get your rest, eat healthy and get plenty of sleep.  I hope Santa is following this regimen because he will need it for Christmas. 

Well we are enjoying the warm up here as we have a saying here in Houston, if you do not like the weather, wait 15 minutes and it will change.  Well, I am off to check and see if I need more wrapping paper which I probably will and going to the mailbox to see if we got any more Christmas cards as I am trying to keep up with the season. 

See everyone tomorrow.  Just remember God is the reason that we are so blessed.  I know I am.