Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 5,2012-March 28,2012

Well, it so hard to believe that St. Patricks day has come and gone.  It really feels like Spring is here.  Easter is around the corner and everything is blooming.  Well,  I can tell you that is true because my allergies are in full bloom,lol.  Well, we are getting well and moving toward warmer weather.  We are ready. 

In August in Houston, I will be eating those words!  So ready to come out of our winter cocoon and spread our wings, so to speak.  Hope everyone is going to have a great Spring.  Every day is a gift from God.  See everyone soon and would love to hear your Spring stories of birth and rebirth. 

Until then, happy Easter and ready for the flowers to grow!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

February 15,2012 through March 4,2012

Well Valentines Day has come and gone and Spring is almost here.  Getting ready for St. Patricks Day.  You know luck of the Irish, when I was growing up, this was a national holiday!  Well, fast forward many years and my daughter Molly was born on St. Patrick's Day which makes the day even more special.  She is my lucky charm.  You know that everyone is Irish on St. Patricks Day and so go on out there and celebrate with your friends and loved ones because that is what we are doing.

I have a teenager and what a special time it is when they transition from babies to toddlers and then you turn around and they are teenagers.  Where has the time gone?  Cherish every day as that is what I do.  Give out hugs daily. 

Well, go grab the blarney stone, find gold at the end of a rainbow.  What a magical time this is.  See everyone tomorrow.