Well, we have been out looking for Christmas spirit. Well, we found it. It is everywhere! Special angels making Christmas special for people they do not even know. Paying for a meal, paying for layaway items that will bring a smile to many faces on Christmas morning. Giving of what we have in abundance to people that are in need. That is really what Christmas is about.
People get lost in the commercialism of Christmas but there are good people out there sharing their blessings with people and when we give of ourselves to people in need that is how we are blessed.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Last weekend to shop before Christmas. I offer a challenge to everyone that we could carry over the spirit of giving 365 days a year. What a better world this would be if we gave out blessings year round. I know that is my goal for now and 2012.
See everyone tomorrow. Count your blessings because I have many and have added some more today.